Category: Dating Tips

June 2, 2020

How To Get Back Out In The Dating World

Tips for Getting Back Out Into the Dating World Dating is a game of two but with thousands of potential substitutes. Just like football, dating has injuries, halftime, and fouls. In some instances, the fouls and injuries in dating are so severe that you’ve to stay out of the game for some time. Once you decide to get back into the game, you’ve to prepare […]

May 22, 2020

5 Dating Tips for Shy Guys

Dating Tips for Shy Guys Being shy shouldn’t disconnect you from the world of dating. Most men are shy when close to women as they always fear to get nasty feedback from the women they approach. Shyness isn’t a sin or crime such that it should hold you from making a move to approach women you like. Not dated before and want to get into […]